BWPT Personal Training
A friendly & inclusive personal training gym where non gym goers become the strongest & fittest version of themselves.Everyone starts with a 30 day kickstart to see if personal training with us is a good fit.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Griffin Lounge When Weekdays at 07.00-13.00, 16.00-21.00 and Saturday mornings at 08.00 - 12.00 Contact Ben Winter Phone 0117 2872191 Email ben@bwptstudios.com Website BWPT Personal Training website Facebook BWPT Personal Training Facebook Instagram BWPT Personal Training Instagram -
Chair Pilates/Dance
Come along to this very friendly, informal group to enjoy pilates and dance to music from the comfort of your chair. This will help to improve balance, co-ordination, mobilise joints and strengthen muscles. This activity is open to everyone and particularly beneficial to those over 60, or people with limited mobility including wheelchair users.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Alternate Tuesdays at 10.30 - 11.30 Contact Sarah Wilde Phone 07539217177 -
Come along for some fun on a Thursday morning. Diddy beats are for children aged 2.5-4years old, sessions include singing, dancing and role play. These activities encourage independence and creativity in pre-schoolers and help improve confidence, social and listening skills.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Thursday at 09.30-10.00 Contact Haley Phone 07446 435616 Email beatsdance10@gmail.com -
Avon Guild of Spinners and Weavers
The aim of the Guild is to promote and encourage the art of spinning, weaving and dyeing. Runs on the second Saturday of the month between 10:00-16:00 in the PavilionLocation Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Second Saturday of the month at 10.30am to 15.30pm Contact Paulette Bjerfelt Phone -
Probus Clubs are clubs for retired or semi-retired business or professional people.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 10am to 12pm Contact Dave Addis Phone 07801 616612 Email dave@addis.me.uk -
Memory Cafe
Long Ashton Memory Cafe has been running in the village since 2019. We provide a relaxing place where people living with memory loss and their carers can meet and share experiences. Refreshments and home made cakes are provided. We ask that visitors living with memory loss are accompanied. Carers who have lost loved ones are very welcome to join us. We have a team of volunteers to make sure everyone is comfortable; a holistic therapist offering hand/neck/shoulder massages and various activities are provided to add to the enjoyment. We also have information about local support services which can help people to live well with dementia. .
The Cafe is free. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Jubilee Pavilion (July and August in the Club Room). New visitors are always welcome. See posters on the village notice boards or go to our website for specific dates.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Fourth Thursday of Month at 2.30pm - 4.30pm Contact Liz Phone 07967 587411 Email lamemorycafe@gmail.com Website Memory Cafe website -
Zumba is a fitness style that combines Latin and international music with dance moves.
No dance ability required… just a desire to move!!
Its one of the most fun workouts you’ll ever experience - sweating, toning and lots of smiling!
* It’s Suitable for ages 12 plus & all fitness abilities!
* You can burn 600+ Calories
* It’s always fun and relaxed with my pressure free approach! Main lights off and disco lights on!
£24 per month (1 class per week)
£32 per month (2 classes per week)
Pre-bookings: https://bookwhen.com/zumbawithdanielle
Any questions please contact me, Danielle Miles on: daniellemilesuk@gmail.com
🕺Make your week a Zumba week! 💃🏻
I promise you’ll leave smiling!Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Monday at 20.25 - 21.10 Contact Danielle Miles Phone Email daniellemilesuk@gmail.com Facebook Zumba Facebook Instagram Zumba Instagram -
Junior Football Club
Long Ashton Junior Football Club offers football for all from U6’s to U15’s, with training during the week and local matches most weekendsTraining:Fridays 5-6 pm (U6’s, U7’s, U8’s) 6-7 pm (U9’s, U10’s, U11’s)Wednesdays 6-7 pm (U12’s, U13’s)Thursdays 6-7 pm (U15’s)Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Peel Park When Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 6-7pm Contact LAJFC Secretary Phone 07827 967155 Email lajfc.sec@gmail.com Website Junior Football Club website -
Tennis Club
Long Ashton Tennis Club is a friendly club playing on 2 courts behind the Community Centre on Keedwell Hill. Players of all ages and standards are very welcome to come and try a few sessions.We play Monday and Wednesday evenings (7.30-10.00) and Saturday afternoons (2.30-5.00) with mixed, ladies and men’s doubles and singles. We play friendlies with other clubs, hold club tournaments and social events and as a Lawn Tennis Association Registered Club (see Places to Play and find a court) also have some club Wimbledon tickets each year. There is an annual membership to join (reduction for juniors). Contact David Atkins (07581466512) or Martin East (01275393667).Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Tennis Court 1 When Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons at 7.30-10pm, 2.30-5pm Contact Helen Bowes Phone 01275 393570 Email enquiries@longashtoncommunitycentre.org Facebook Tennis Club Facebook -
Local History
Meetings held on the first Thursday of the month from October to April inclusive in the Pavilion between 19:30-21:30. Speakers give talks on subjects mainly appertaining to the history of the local area. The schedule for 2024 and 2025 is as follows:
2024October 3 A.G.M. followed by ‘ Barrow Gurney Farms and Farmers’ - Mary James, MBENovember 7 Photographs and Reminiscences of Bristol during the 1930s and 1940s - Mike HooperDecember 5 The Mendip Hills Through Time - Les Davies, MBE2025January 9 Ochre Mining in the Mendips from his book ‘Earth Colours’ - Alan GrayFebruary 6 Secrets of St. Martins, Long Ashton - Dr. Peter ForemanMarch 6 The Mysteries of Roman Gatcombe and the Road to Banwell and Winthill - Bev KnottApril 3 Bristol ! 650 Years in 65 Minutes - Film Maker, David Parker’s personal account of stories, events and personalities which have shaped the History of Bristol.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When First Thursday of the month between October and April at 7.30pm Contact Mary Magro Phone 01275 392643 Email mcmagro@btinternet.com -
Badminton Club
The Badminton Club plays in Keeds Hall every Thursday evening between 19:30 and 22:00. The season runs from the first Thursday in October to the last Thursday in March.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Sports Hall When Thursdays October to March at 7.30pm to 10pm Contact Ruth Gilchrist Phone 01275 393505 Email ruth.gilchrist@gmail.com -
LA Cinema
LONG ASHTON CINEMA is a non-profit group run by local volunteers. Our aim is to offer a wide variety of good quality films at affordable prices on your doorstep. They screen at least one film a month and it’s a social place where guests can have a drink and a chat before and after the screening.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Third Saturday of the month at 7.45pm Contact LA Cinema Phone Email longashtocommunitycinema@gmail.com Website LA Cinema website Facebook LA Cinema Facebook -
Drama with Hannah-Rose Holiday workshops
When school is out, our holiday workshops are open!
Are you looking for a holiday workshop for your 4-8 year old? Look no further than our drama and craft workshops!
Each workshop is built around a unique magical theme and each day is packed with activities to spark your child’s imagination. From dress up and role play to engaging drama games, action packed stories, high quality craft activities and outside play. We can safely say there is something for everyone!
Want to hear more about our upcoming workshops? CLICK HERE!
Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When School Holidays at 9.30 - Contact Hannah-Rose Phone 07795 466739 -
Long Ashton Village Market
First Saturday of each month (apart from January) between 09:30-13:00. The emphasis is on local and affordable produce, food and crafts.The Long Ashton market aims to support the development of local producers and businesses with an active interest in sustainable practices. It also provides an opportunity for visitors to meet various local groups and find out about exciting and interesting things happening in the village and surrounding area.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When First Saturday of the month (except January) at 9.30am to 1pm Contact Jenny Green Phone -
Wild Country Women - outdoor fitness
Lesley from Wild Country Woman runs feel-good outdoor fitness classes for women in Peel Park and on the Basketball Court.
Lesley is a Personal Trainer, Women's Health Coach and local mum on a mission to support women to feel wildly well from the inside out.
Classes are intended to be accessible to all levels of fitness and to help you build strength and confidence so that you can cope better with all that life throws at you. These are fun, functional, fitness classes on Thursdays at 6:30am and Fridays at 9:30am
Website: www.wildcountrywoman.com/classes
Facebook: @wildcountrywomanuk
Instagram: @lesleywaldronhealthcoachLocation Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP When Thursday and Friday Mornings at Thursday 06.30 and Friday 09.30 Contact Lesley Waldron Phone -
344 Dance
Children from 2 1/2 years old have the opportunity to have dance lessons. Monday from 4.45pm is ballet, Thursday and Friday from 4.00pm is modern and tap, and Saturday from 8.45am is ballet and tap. Exams can be taken with the ISTD, RAD, LAMDA and LCM; shows; competitions; workshops and masterclasses; summer schools and there are many other performance opportunities. We are an Approved Exam Centre for all the above examining boards.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP When Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at Various Contact Kathy Plaster Phone 0117 9655660 Email admin@dancestation.org.uk Website 344 Dance website -
We are a friendly group of people who share an interest in horticulture as well as general gardening, wildlife, crafts and related subjects. We have an active programme of events which include a variety of talks, walks, visits and workshops. In May we hold a plant sale to help fund our main event, The Long Ashton Flower Show which we hold in the Village Hall on the first Saturday in September each year. It is a great community event for all ages to enjoy with a wide range of classes for children and adults to enter.
If you would like to join us membership is only £5 and you will receive several benefits, some of which include, free entry to the show and a copy of the show schedule, free or reduced entry to some of our events, but mainly you will be helping to support the Show.
If you would like more information regarding membership contact Mary Lord on longashtonhortsoc@gmail.com.
19 March, Talk 'Wildlife on my doorstep'. Photographer Helen Mugridge tells us more.
23 April, We revisit the Lower Burial Ground at All Saints Church.
11 May, Plant sale outside the Co-Op.
25 May, Visit and guided tour of Grow Wilder in Bristol.
12 June, Talk and Tasting - Limeburn Hill Biodynamic Vineyard.
July, Visit and Tour of Fenswood Farm. Details to be confirmed.
3 August, Visit to Limeburn Hill Vineyard near Chew Magna.
13 August, Evening guided Tour of the grounds of Tyntesfield.
28 August, Members Open Garden Visit.
7 September, Annual Village Flower Show in the Village Hall.
8 October, Talk 'History of naturalistic gardening'.
31 October, Talk 'A garden for all seasons'.
13 November, Society AGM and Bristol Beer Factory Talk and Tasting.
6 December, Flax processing and spinning workshop.
Talks will be held in the Jubilee Pavilion where refreshments will be available.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP When Various evenings at Various depending on the class Contact Mary Lord Phone -
WH Tennis
Junior and adult term-time group tennis coaching sessions plus junior holiday tennis camps.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Tennis Court 1 When Thursday, Friday and Saturday term time and school holidays at Various depending on the class Contact Will Hardiman Phone 07708 472986 Email WHTennis@hotmail.com Website WH Tennis website -
Sarah from Fit2Drop runs local multi ability Pilates classes in the community centre.A level 4 trained clinical pilates instructor, with specialisms in pre and post natal, exercise therapy, back pain and more.Pilates is for everybody, it's a powerful exercise system that benefits your whole body. A typical class focuses on stretching and strengthening, improving posture, coordination, and flexibility but sessions can be tailored around specific needs or focal points on the body.Tuesdays6:15pm Intermediate Pilates7:15pm Beginners Pilates8:15pm Intermediate PilatesWednesdays9:30am – Mixed Ability Pilates8:00pm – Mixed Ability PilatesInstagram @fit2dropsarahYouTube – SarahDineenLocation Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Tuesdays and Wednesdays at various times Contact Sarah Dineen Phone 07855 427305 Email sarah@fit2drop.com Website Fit2Drop website Facebook Fit2Drop Facebook -
Real Good Fitness
'Your Outdoor Fitness Experts'
If you like your exercise served alfresco, we are the people for you. Our aim is to allow you, to do what you love, for as long as you can
We’ve designed a series of classes and courses to help you get the most out of life. With a mixture of In-person and online options, we help you find the balance between exercise and life.
Classes currently run:
Mon - 8:00 - 9:00
Tue - 19:00 - 20:00
Wed - 8:30 - 9:30 // 18:30-19:30
Thur - 9:00-10:00
Sat - 8:30-9:30 // 9:30 - 10:30Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Outside Basketball Court When Various days at various times Contact Connor Golding Phone 07918217036 Email Realgoodfit@gmail.com -
Yoga with Gait
Friendly yoga classes open to all levels, with different classes addressing different needs: Be it restoration and nourishment through Yin Yoga, finding balance between mind and body in Yoga Flow or building strength, stability and mobility in the Yoga for Cyclists classes.
All equipment is provided such as mats and blankets, although feel free to bring your own mats. Blocks are also included to help students modify and support their practice according to their needs.
Tuesdays - Jubilee Pavilion, 19.15 - 20.15
Dynamic practise, linking breath with movement in a continuous flow of poses, helping bring balance to mind and body.
Tuesdays - Jubilee Pavilion, 20.15 - 21.00
Slow, meditative style of yoga designed to encourage the flow of chi, target deeper tissues and fascia and calm the nervous system.
Thursdays - Village Hall, 19.30 - 20.30
Classes to build strength and stability, increase mobility and alleviate tightness in the body. Breathwork focuses the mind and enhances performance.
Bespoke 121 or small group teaching available.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Tuesdays and Thursdays at various times Contact Gait Collins Phone 07766 336852 Email yogawithgait@gmail.com Website Yoga with Gait website -
Yoga for Health
Andrea Newman teaches a weekly term-time mixed ability yoga class in the community centre on Monday mornings 10.30-12. All adults of all ages are very welcome to join this friendly group.
Andrea has been teaching yoga for 30 years and training yoga teachers for 20 years (British Wheel of Yoga qualified). She specialises in anatomy of movement, and using yoga for health maintenance and rehabilitation.
The class is slow and meditative. Variations of practices are always given so you can work strongly, or very gently, whatever feels right on the day. Chairs are available for those who find floor work prohibitive. Learn how to relax deeply as well as developing strength and mobility. Find more ease in body movement and experience how yoga can bring a sense of balance and peace to the whole system.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Mondays at 10.30 - 12.00 Contact Andrea Newman Phone Email yogaandrolfing@gmail.com Website Yoga for Health website -
Parish Council
The Long Ashton Parish Council and its Committees meet most Monday evenings from 19:30 in the Jubilee Pavilion. Meetings are open to the public. The office runs a drop-in day for the public on Tuesdays between 10:00-12:00 for those who have any queries or concerns.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Mondays at 7.30pm Contact Clerk Phone 01275 393551 Email clerk@longashtonparishcouncil.gov.uk Website Parish Council website Facebook Parish Council Facebook -
Bookstart Rhymetime
Come along to fun, free sessions sharing nursery rhymes, action rhymes and musical instruments Tuesdays during term time 2 to 2.30pm at Long Ashton Community Centre with the North Somerset Mobile Library For children aged 0-4 and their parents or carers www.n-somerset.gov.uk/mylocallibraryLocation Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Club Room When Tuesdays at 2-2.30pm Contact Rhymetime Phone -
We’re delighted to confirm that Bristol Karate Academy is running Beginner classes for Adults and Children from age 7 upwards from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on Tuesdays.New members welcome! If you’re an adult looking to learn something new or have children, aged 7+, who want to give Karate a try then get in touch!Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Sports Hall When Tuesdays at 6.30-8.30pm Contact Bristol Karate Phone 07720285549 Email hello@bristolkarateacademy.com Website Karate website Facebook Karate Facebook -
Jolly Melodies Music Company
Jolly Babies – birth to 15 months
The start of our musical journey together! What can you expect in Jolly Babies? Bonding time, bouncing time, bubbles! They’ll be a high-energy dance or two but also the most gorgeous gentle lullabies. Our Jolly Melodies Music leaders use a wonderful range of stimulating sensory props and, at percussion time, a selection of musical instruments specifically designed for the tiniest of hands. As soon as you feel ready to attend, you will be welcomed into Jolly Babies with your new little one. We set no minimum age; you come when you and baby are ready to get out, to get going and to start making friends! In the thirty minutes you carve out to be together, singing and dancing, you will begin to learn so many beautiful new songs that will fit around the stages of your baby’s development, and so much material that you will come to time and time again between classes to play, to soothe, to settle.Jolly Toddlers – 15 months to 3+ years
And now your little one is ready for more! Each half-term, a different theme focuses our weekly class, our singing and activities – ‘Colours’ or ‘Transport’ for example! Musical learning is more concentrated too; we’ll gradually direct your child towards our clearly defined objectives but do so at a level suitable for the individual. We’ll sing, we’ll dance, we’ll bang the drum and shake the maracas and we will smile and laugh (a LOT!). You will be amazed at how much fun we can fit into our action-packed half hour together! Rhythm will develop as will confidence and independence plus we’ll keep on practising those all-important listening skills too.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Tuesdays at Jolly Toddlers 09.30, - Jolly Babies 10.15 Contact Clarissa Griffiths Phone 07778667010 -
Art Classes
Watercolour classes for beginners and mixed ability. One to one teaching and demonstrations in a friendly environment. Everyone brings their own materials and refreshments are provided.Wednesday mornings in the Pavilion 10:30-13.00Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Wednesdays at 10.30am-1pm Contact Caroline James Phone 07799 548857 Email carojj051@gmail.com -
Trampoline Club - Hi-Altitude
Beginners welcome! Come and bounce for fitness and fun, meet new people and enjoy something new!Trampoline sessions for ages 5-18 yrsWednesday 5-6pm Session 1Wednesday 6-7pm Session 2All ages and abilities. New members welcome are able to take trampoline awards.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Sports Hall When Wednesdays at 5pm Contact Charlotte Phone 07402 080791 Email Hi-altitudetc@gmail.com -
Art Club
A sociable group of mainly retired people who enjoy painting in many art mediums. No tutor, but help and support to one another. They meet in the Pavilion on Thursday mornings from 9:30—12:00 weekly.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Thursdays at 9.20am to 12pm Contact Angela King Phone 01275 392746 -
Yoga with Gary
Gary Osborn-Clarke has been teaching yoga since 2002 and practising yoga since 1995. His classes focus on yoga asanas (postures/exercises), based on BKS Iyengar’s methods and Ashtanga Vinyasa’s sequential flow. It is a traditional approach, influenced by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: asanas, dhyana (meditation) and pranayamas (breathing exercises).Gary’s classes run during term time, attend as often as you can, be it weekly or occasionally, you are always welcome. Classes open to all levels of experience: beginners to the experienced yoga practitioner, any questions contact Gary.Location Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Jubilee Pavilion When Fridays at 10am to 11.15am Contact Gary Osborn-Clarke Phone 07899034645 Email gary@yogabristol.co.uk Website Yoga with Gary website -
Bristol Racers
Bristol based radio controlled car club focusing on the fun and enjoyment of model car racing. Our digital timing system counts positions and lap times, just like the real thing!
For more information please visit our website or Facebook page.
Every Friday from 6-10pm in the Village HallLocation Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, BS41 9DP Room/Space Village Hall When Fridays at 6-10pm Contact Bristol Racers Phone